Institutional Repository

Apothesis is the new Institutional Repository of the Hellenic Mediterranean University and was developed within the framework of the Operational Program “Digital Convergence or plan – Organization and Promotion of the Academic Content of Hellenic Mediterranean University”.

The purpose of the Institutional Repository is :

  • to collect and organize the intellectual work produced by the members of the Institution.
  • to preserve it in the longer term.
  • to disseminate digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution, increasing its prestige and recognizability.

The Institutional Repository adopts open access policies according to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Humanities and Sciences. The Declaration invites researchers to make their scientific material (articles evaluated by judges and research results) free access available to all.

The types of items that  accepted for submission at the Institutional Repository are :

  • Bachelor thesis
  • Master thesis

Please follow the link below to access the Apothesis